By: Andy

I am my wife's cuckold husband and she has a steady man in her life who is my master. I work from home and normally he comes over during the day and they have sex while I listen or if lucky I get to be in the room and sometimes even get to join in in one way or the other. Last weekend we got a room at a hotel downtown and we met Greg in the bar. After a drink we all went upstairs and they didn't waste a minute going at it, kissing passionately and were all over each other on the bed. ...

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By: The Kinky Strokers

... So hopefully you've all read the first and second instalments of our cuckold life. It's time to tell the next next major event, an event that changed our cuckolding and took it to the next level. By now my wife D has met several others in between the last encounter and the one I'm about to tell. By this time she had fucked 6 people since cuckolding me and all in a space of 3 months. I came home from work to find D excited and smiling.

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By: Stag & K

I was away for work and my girlfriend went out to play without notifying me first. This is how it went: 07:00PM, I'm laying on my hotel bed (working in remote location), my phone notifications are going off. Picking the phone up, K, my GF is sending me some usual messages. One of them is mentioning: "Remember this guy J ? I will meet with him tonight. I'm slightly surprised by the fact she will meet with this guy as we didn't discuss about him for a while. He is an attractive guy (based on the few pictures I saw previously), looks muscular. As my brain is starting to process the information, I can feel my dick growing in my underwear. Feel it's going to be a long night.

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By: Mountain Girl

So the wife and went to Vegas for a weekend and stayed at a buddy's house that was out of town so we had two bedrooms. The gf of the couple we went with had slept with the wife and I prior to her officially dating the other guy. They have an open relationship so we knew it was going to be fun. Wife and I are in the lifestyle but had only full swapped in the same room once before this. ...

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By: Ennis & Natalee

... We were at a friend's wedding in Gleneagles in Scotland, with the hotel being extremely expensive we hired a house very near the hotel. My cousin (Peter) and his GF (now wife), my friend and my GF (now wife) all stayed in the house for 2 nights. Day of wedding was great, loads of drinking, dancing and less than reputable behaviour. Peter and Anna slipped off twice during the night to fuck but as Peter was very drunk he couldn't perform. Much to her vocalised frustration. ...

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By: GoodFive & D

I have an average sized cock -- somewhere between 5.5 and 6 inches in length and average girth, and up until a year ago I was the biggest my wife had ever had. Before that she had always been relatively well sheltered. She didn't watch porn and was a virgin when I met her. All in all she was just relatively inexperienced when it came to sex.

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By: The Kinky Strokers

Hi, long time reader first time posting although this is the first encounter and certainly not the best. We plan on submitting a lot more both from the cuck's perspective and from the wife's perspective. This first one is from the Cuck. It all started the same as many blokes out there. Little fantasies that grew into a big one. My wife "D" and I hadn't been married long when we decided to come clean about our pasts etc. I admitted that I'd been very active sexually and experienced ALOT where she had only had 6 different blokes fuck her although she did say she had 3 all at once when she was 18.

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